Trump Praises Henry Clay’s American System

by | Mar 20, 2017

Trump Praises Henry Clay’s American System

by | Mar 20, 2017

From the article:

Trump claimed “there was an article today it was reported that NFL owners don’t want to pick him up because they don’t want to get a nasty tweet from Donald Trump”. To the loud cheers that followed, he added: “The people of Kentucky like it when people stand for the American flag.”

Trump, who had been touting the perceived historic similarities between himself and Andrew Jackson, also spent much of the rally touting the philosophy of Jackson’s arch-rival, Henry Clay.

The president lauded Clay for his American System, which called for funding internal improvements with canals. Trump’s praise for Clay – who served as speaker of the House, senator, secretary of state and three-time Whig nominee for president – was deeply discordant with his previous praise of Jackson. The seventh president of the United States vehemently opposed the American System and once said that one of his great regrets in life was not shooting Clay.

Read the rest at the Guardian.

The Guardian

The Guardian

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