10/2/17 Joe Lauria on the consequences of the Kurdish Referendum

10/2/17 Joe Lauria on the consequences of the Kurdish Referendum

Joe Lauria returns to update the situation in Iraqi Kurdistan after the referendum for an independent Kurdish state passed. Lauria describes the escalating tensions, explains why believes the referendum was a mistake, and how despite the vote, the Kurds are no closer to independence than they were before. Lauria details the history of Kurdish suffering throughout the decades and suggests that this referendum could lead to another precarious situation for the Kurds. Then Lauria touches on how the Kurdish referendum compares to the ongoing situation in Catalonia. Finally Scott and Lauria discuss the most contentious point of Kurdish independence, the disputed city of Kirkuk.

Joe Lauria is a contributing writer at Consortium News. He is a former UN correspondent and wrote at the Boston Globe and Wall Street Journal. You can follow him on Twitter @unjoe.

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