8/23/17 Eric Margolis on his heroic rescue of starving zoo animals in Aleppo

8/23/17 Eric Margolis on his heroic rescue of starving zoo animals in Aleppo

Eric Margolis returns to the show to discuss his recent heroic trip to the Middle East where he helped save starving zoo animals from Aleppo with Four Paws International. Margolis recounted his trip and the incredible rescue he helped bring about in his latest article “Escape from the Aleppo Zoo.” After filling Scott in on his role in the rescue, Margolis discusses the current situation in Syria, Israel’s role in the Syrian war, and whether there’s any merit to the rumor that the Russians are funding the Taliban against the United States in Afghanistan. Finally Margolis explains what the U.S. is really trying to accomplish in Afghanistan by training the Afghan army and why India makes Pakistan is an unreliable ally in Afghanistan.

Eric Margolis is a foreign affairs correspondent and author of “War at the Top of the World” and “American Raj.” Follow him on Twitter @EricMargolis and visit his website, ericmargolis.com.

Damon Hatheway

Damon Hatheway

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