Wednesday, March 19, 2008 Iraq, Five Years In: They Really Don’t Care (Updated, March 20) Oh, lucky you! What a privilege you’ve been given by your Emperor, who so earnestly wishes he were young enough to join you on the front lines! (Or not. I’m betting on “not.”)The setting was the National Religious Broadcasters annual […]
Reflections on Resurrection Sunday: We’re Commanded To Be Free
by Will Grigg | Jul 3, 2019 | Everything Will, Pro Libertate, Will Grigg Radio
Sunday, March 23, 2008 Reflections on Resurrection Sunday: We’re Commanded To Be Free From Jay-Robinson-actor.comThe Almighty State personified: The demented Caligula (here depicted by Jay Robinson in the 1953 epic The Robe), who once openly wished that all Rome might have one neck so that he could behead the entire population at a stoke, was […]
Tyranny, The One-War Mirror, and the Criminal Syndicate Called the ATF
by Will Grigg | Jul 3, 2019 | Everything Will, Pro Libertate
Thursday, March 27, 2008 Tyranny, The One-War Mirror, and the Criminal Syndicate Called the ATF Thuggin’ it incognito: An armed enforcer for one of the Regime’s official criminal gangs, the ATF, decked out in the familiar terrorist hood. Any resemblance to an anonymous hooded medieval executioner (below, left) is entirely … appropriate. In a republic, […]
The Dollar Falls, The Predators Awaken
by Will Grigg | Jul 3, 2019 | Everything Will, Pro Libertate
Tuesday, April 1, 2008 The Dollar Falls, The Predators Awaken Not terribly long ago, it was common to hear of people “taking money out” of their homes. It was as if those houses were equipped with magic ATM consoles through which some portion of their inflated market value could be transmuted into cash.Many houses of […]
The Bush Regime’s Revolution in Legal Affairs
by Will Grigg | Jul 3, 2019 | Everything Will, Pro Libertate
Friday, April 4, 2008 The Bush Regime’s Revolution in Legal Affairs Sure, he was rich, but he wasn’t particularly wise: Lydian King Croesus (enthroned) receives a visit from the Athenian lawgiver, Solon, in this depiction by the Dutch master Gerard von Honthorst.If audacity were wealth, John C. Yoo would be richer than Croesus. But then, […]
How Trials Operate in the New Torture Regime
by Will Grigg | Jul 3, 2019 | Everything Will, Pro Libertate
Tuesday, April 8, 2008 How Trials Operate in the New Torture Regime What purpose does a trial serve when it’s conducted by a state claiming the power to torture confessions from a suspect, or “evidence” from a witness?Obviously, an exercise of this kind isn’t carried out in the interest of establishing the truth beyond a […]
The Bipartisan Brotherhood of Plunder (Updated)
by Will Grigg | Jul 3, 2019 | Everything Will, Pro Libertate
Wednesday, April 9, 2008 The Bipartisan Brotherhood of Plunder (Updated) “Remove justice, and what are kingdoms but gangs of criminals on a vast scale? What are criminal gangs but petty kingdoms?A gang is a group of men under the command of a leader, bound by a compact of association, in which the plunder is divided […]
From OKC to Abu Ghraib: The Kenneth Trentadue Case
by Will Grigg | Jul 3, 2019 | Everything Will, Pro Libertate
Sunday, April 13, 2008 From OKC to Abu Ghraib: The Kenneth Trentadue Case Brothers in better times: Jesse Trentadue (left) poses with his younger brother Kenneth, who would later be murdered by the FBI. It is doubtful that Kenneth Trentadue really understood, as he was being tortured and beaten to death by federal agents, why […]
Production for Profit Is Production for People, part 2
"In his capacity as a businessman a man is a servant of the consumers, bound to comply with their wishes. He cannot indulge in his own whims and fancies. But his customers’ whims and fancies are for him ultimate law, provided these customers are ready to pay for them....
Production for Profit Is Production for People
"Profit and loss can be expressed in definite amounts of money. It is possible to ascertain in terms of money how much an individual has profited or lost. However, this is not a statement about this individual’s psychic profit or loss. It is a statement about a social...
"The detractors of liberty are in this sense right in calling it a 'bourgeois' issue and in blaming the rights guaranteeing liberty for being negative. In the realm of state and government, liberty means restraint imposed upon the exercise of the police power. "There...
Freedom and Competition
"The freedom of man under capitalism is an effect of competition. The worker does not depend on the good graces of an employer. If his employer discharges him, he finds another employer. The consumer is not at the mercy of the shopkeeper. He is free to patronize...
Do You Really Meme It?
I was going to write a comment on some current discourse, the usual diatribe of impulsive viral outrage invented by those who live online. A reaction to trending tantrums. The usual produce from memetards who vomit digital junk the algorithms, whether one follows them...
“Mature Capitalism” Ain’t Capitalism
"It would be correct to describe this state of affairs in this way: Today many or some groups of business are no longer liberal; they do not advocate a pure market economy and free enterprise, but, on the contrary, are asking for various measures of government...