common law

Stephan Kinsella Ep. 136

Stephan Kinsella Ep. 136

The Great Stephan Kinsella joins me to discuss balancing the practice of law with scholarly pursuits, the future of libertarianism, and his forthcoming book "Law in a Libertarian World." Check out Stephan's  work at  Episode 136 of the...

WaPo Debunks the Non-Scandal of “Anglo-American” Law

In a recent speech, Attorney General Jeff Sessions made a passing reference to the "Anglo-American heritage of law enforcement". Naturally, this sparked outrage and new accusations that Sessions is racist. Those accusations may be well-founded, but this is about the...

WaPo Debunks the Non-Scandal of "Anglo-American" Law

In a recent speech, Attorney General Jeff Sessions made a passing reference to the "Anglo-American heritage of law enforcement". Naturally, this sparked outrage and new accusations that Sessions is racist. Those accusations may be well-founded, but this is about the...



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