
Growing Number of Americans Say US Is Giving Ukraine Too Much Aid

Growing Number of Americans Say US Is Giving Ukraine Too Much Aid

As the war in Ukraine nears the end of its first year, Americans are starting to believe Washington is sending too much support to Kiev. Pew Research conducted a poll in January and found the proportion of Republicans that are opposed to the current level of assistance is now at 40%. The US has pledged well over $100 billion in aid to Kiev, mostly in arms and other military equipment.

News Roundup 12/18/2022

News Roundup 12/18/2022

Kosovo Serbia has formally asked NATO if it can deploy up to 1,000 troops into northern Kosovo, where Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic says ethnic Serbs are being “terrorized” by the Kosovo government based in Pristina. AWC Russia The Senate on Thursday night passed...



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