She is the worst criminal in central Texas. Just like all her predecessors. They don't mind putting innocent young women in prison for fake crimes of which they are completely innocent. And they don't mind doing whatever it takes to keep them there long after their...
Jury: Cop Is Criminal
by Scott Horton | Feb 3, 2020 | Blog
He beat up a kid for fun.
Cops Kill Man
by Scott Horton | Jan 23, 2020 | Blog
And lie about it since they had no justification to do so. But since the law says that cops can murder whoever the hell they feel like, we don't even need to know to know that the DA will not charge, the grand jury will not indict, the judge will pass out immunity and...
Police Officers and Judges Are The Very Worst Criminals in Our Society
by Scott Horton | Dec 25, 2019 | Blog
That's why all good and decent people hate them so much.
Trump Hosts War Criminal Gallager at Mar-a-Lago
by Scott Horton | Dec 24, 2019 | Blog
Sick bastard.
Phoenix, Arizona Police Officer David Morris is a Criminal
by Scott Horton | Dec 13, 2019 | Blog
Doesn't he know that it's a deadly sin to bear false witness against an innocent person? Hopefully something truly terrible will happen to him by random chance. Because God knows he will never be held accountable by the pretended "law." Phoenix PD Detective Kemp...
Police: Criminals
by Scott Horton | Nov 29, 2019 | Blog
Hmm. Why do so many regular law-abiding citizens hate and fear their local security force? It's because the police are dangerous felons.
Excellent New Aaron Mate Piece on Brennan’s Plot Against the President
by Scott Horton | Nov 16, 2019 | Blog
The Brennan Dossier: All About a Prime Mover of Russiagate (Yes, Trump is a criminal, but not over this Russia/Ukraine bullshit.)
Crash Chronicles: Fat Amy Continues the Cringe
One billion dollars for twisted metal for ten F35 crashes, soon you're talking real money. The incident rate with respect the US Air Force (USAF) has continued to decline since the 1950s as safety practices have increased and technology has matured. During the 1950s,...
The Royal Navy Shrinks to Insignificance
A crashed RN F35 on the seafloor.* My readers knew all of this already; the Royal Navy will not be mission effective as a blue water navy after 2030 and the era of aircraft carriers is over. Eight billion dollars for future fish apartments. Eight billion dollars. Kit...
Becoming the French Bulldog
I could hear it, the snarling struggle to live as deformed nostrils fought for each breath. A snarl of liquid flesh flapping about, then a mild grow. Such a process just for an intake of air. The weather was not too hot though it’s tongue dragged from it’s mouth....
Are we already fighting WWIII? Welcome to the Circus! Watch the New Episode of the Kyle Anzalone Show
Welcome back to the Kyle Anzalone Show! In today's explosive episode, we look into the escalating tensions that have many questioning whether we are on the brink of World War III. The recent transfer of long-range missiles from the US to Ukraine marks a significant...
John Boyd: Patterns of Conflict
COL John Boyd was a singular mind in military matters and had a terrific impact on shattering some of the myths that have made the American military art since 1945 so awful and mired in defeat. Boyd was a heavy intellectual lifter in innovative ideas and one of the...
Economics and Everyday Life, 2
"[E]conomic relations constitute a machinery by which men devote their energies to the immediate accomplishment of each other's purposes in order to secure the ultimate accomplishment of their own, irrespective of what those purposes of their own may be, and therefore...
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