Deep State

News Roundup 5/1/19

Russiagate Phil Giraldi explains how the deep state worked against Trump. [Link] Larry Johnson details the FBI informants that appear in the Mueller Report. [Link] Venezuela The US sanctions Venezuela’s foreign minister. [Link] Juan Guaido attempted to overthrow...

Deep State? Why, That’s Just Crazy

Just a little old aside in a profile of John Bolton: Mattis declined to comment for the record, but a former senior national-security official told me, without confirming any incidents, that a strategy had evolved. “The President thinks out loud,” he said. “Do you...

Bernie Is Right: Felons Should Vote

What's the argument against felons voting?  That they'd vote for someone who'd absolve them of their crimes?  Felons might get 1-2% of a vote, so good luck with that. What if felons could actually influence the vote?  Let's say 10%, 20%, maybe even 30% of the vote was...

Norm Singleton: Trump Has Been Neo-conned

Norm Singleton: Trump Has Been Neo-conned

Campaign for Liberty President Norm Singleton issued the following statement regarding President Trump’s veto of S.J.Res. 7, which directed him to end US involvement in the Yemen Civil War: “As a presidential candidate, Donald Trump promised to end military...



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