
Cop Kills Boy

Teenagers messing around, broke into a vacant home, neighbor, an off-duty prison guard, call cops, cops come, kids jump fence, cop neighbor waiting in ambush shoots one of the kids in the back, killing him dead. And guess what? No charges. Because "the law" is just...

Cops Kill Men

Buzzfeed: On The Day George Floyd Died, Police Across The US Shot And Killed At Least Five Other Men Police in the US have not gone more than two days without fatally shooting someone since 2015. "Justin was shot at least twice. "His death started like so many other...

The Senate Takes a Stand on Iran

The Senate Takes a Stand on Iran

On FPF #455, I discuss the Senate voting on a War Powers bill to constrain Trump's ability to start a war with Iran. Trump has continued on the presidential tradition of killing whoever he wants, and he is unbound by the Constitution. The House will also need to pass...



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