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How Dare You Put Your Kids In Government School?

Don't you know that government employees are monsters? It's because they face no accountability for their actions whatsoever, so they do things like assault and kidnap and traumatize helpless 7-year-old children because they like to. Also from the Free Thought Project...

Terrible Person Enrolls Child in Government School

But then she's surprised that they would abuse her tiny, helpless 6-year-old daughter. What did you think, lady, that they loved you and were here to serve you? Why don't you try to overcome your own government education for a minute and think about this for a minute,...

US in Somalia

Rick writes: I’m looking for a podcast where you describe the origins of Al Shabaab. I know that Somalia was coming along well under the Islamic courts Union, then we screwed it up when GW asked Ethiopia to invade. Any help is much appreciated. Me: Here's a ton....



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