peace process

Peace in Colombia and Afghanistan?

Peace in Colombia and Afghanistan?

On FPF #388, I talk about the peace process in Colombia and Afghanistan. In Colomba, the new president Ivan Duque has opposed the peace agreement with the FARC. Now he plans to end funding for a program key to keeping the peace in Colombia. If the program end, the...

FPF #290 – The Empire is Up & Running

FPF #290 – The Empire is Up & Running

On FPF #290, I explain that the US Empire is operating as usual even though the mainstream media is focused on the shutdown. The US continues to slow the Korean Peace Process with sanctions. Defense Secretary James Mattis will be out on January 1st and weapon makers...

FPF #285 – Crossing the DMZ in Peace

FPF #285 – Crossing the DMZ in Peace

On FPF #285, I discuss Korean troops crossing the DMZ in peace. The Korean peace process continues to progress with Trump dragging his feet. I explain how in Syria, the US is trying to balance its relationship with the Syrian Kurds and NATO ally Turkey. The US is also...

Establishing Facts on the Ground

That's what they call it. So, you see, the "peace process" is just Israeli PR cover for continuing to steal the private property of the individual human beings of Palestine.

FPF #229 – Korean Peace Moves Forward

On FPF #229, I look at the difference between the US media portrayal of the Korean peace process and what is actually happening in the region. The US media has focused on stories that indicate North Korea and Trump are ruining the peace process. However, North and...



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