
Oh Sure. Russia Supports Sanders Now.

What percentage of American idiots are still buying this crap? This morning it was Trump again, now Sanders. How much are the Russians paying me to not notice that Buttigieg is the one they are really afraid of?!

Democrats Pulling Ahead in Stupid Contest

What a world. "The United States aids Ukraine and her people so they can fight Russia over there and we don’t have to fight Russia here." -- Tim Morrison 11/19/19 "It is ... our national interest to make sure that the Ukraine remains strong and on the front lines so...

Jimmy Dore & Tulsi Gabbard are Russian Assets?!

Jimmy Dore & Tulsi Gabbard are Russian Assets?!

Hillary Clinton called Tulsi Gabbard a Russian Asset. When Tulsi appeared on The View, the hosts were exceptionally rude and confrontational about the accusations In Comedian Jimmy Dore's Style, we Roasted the The View, In Comedian Jimmy Dore's Style,

Stop Putin From Stopping Biden By Supporting Biden!

Hahaha. Hilarious things are humorous. Once again, Putin and the Russians are interfering in the elections and trying to pick our president -- this time they're coming after me.Chip in $5 to send the message to Putin that the American people decide elections, not...



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