
These People Are Out of Their Minds

I mean the consensus take over there at ForeignPolicy.com on the Russia-Ukraine war. Same as it ever was and all, but this time with H-bombs. This is why history is so fucked up. It's just the crazy-ass present of the past. Let's hope humanity at least survives the...

Chomsky on MacNamara’s Confession

Boy does this have a ring of truth to it: “The one interesting aspect of the book is how little [MacNamara] understood about what was going on or understands today. He doesn’t even understand what he was involved in. I assume he’s telling the truth. The book has a...


I've cited many times former Ukrainian president Victor Yanukovich explaining that he felt like a bride greeted with a prenup at his wedding, when discussing the broken negotiations over Ukraine's potential 2013 deal with the EU. That was wrong. It was Angela Merkel...

Avoiding Nihilism w/Rachel Tobias

Avoiding Nihilism w/Rachel Tobias

Rachel joined me again, and this time we are talking about how to avoid nihilism and continue moving forward. Rachel Twitter Discord Libertarian Institute 19 Skills Pdf Autonomy Course Critical Thinking Course Donate Patreon RyanBunting.com



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