
News Roundup 10/25/2023

News Roundup 10/25/2023

US News Reps. Thomas Massie (R-KY) and James McGovern (D-MA) are circulating letters in the House urging their colleagues to join them in demanding that President Biden drop the charges against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, Fox News Digital reported on Monday. AWC...

News Roundup 10/25/2023

News Roundup 9/25/2023

US News Senator Robert Menendez, his wife, and three businessmen have all been indicted by a federal grand jury in a corruption scheme. The New Jersey Democrat and his spouse, Nadine Menendez, allegedly received hundreds of thousands of dollars in exchange for...

News Roundup 10/25/2023

News Roundup 9/14/2023

Assange A group of 63 members of Australia’s parliament have urged the US to drop the charges against WikiLeaks founder and Australian citizen Julian Assange, who faces up to 175 years in prison if extradited to the US and convicted for exposing US war crimes. AWC...

News Roundup 10/25/2023

News Roundup 9/6/2023

US News A federal judge denied Massachusetts Airman Jack Teixeira’s motion to be released while he waits for his trial to begin. Teixeira is accused of leaking classified documents on Discord that undermine the narrative put forward by the US government that the war...

News Roundup 10/25/2023

News Roundup 8/15/2023

Assange US Ambassador to Australia Caroline Kennedy indicated in comments to the Sydney Morning Herald that Washington might be open to a plea deal for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange that could keep him from being extradited and imprisoned in the United States for...

News Roundup 10/25/2023

News Roundup 8/2/2023

US News The Joe Biden administration released a report endorsing the renewal of a controversial law which enables US intelligence agencies to spy on foreign nationals and American citizens on Monday. The Institute  Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese on Tuesday...

News Roundup 10/25/2023

News Roundup 7/31/2023

US News The Senate on Thursday night passed its version of the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act in a vote of 86-11. The bill authorizes a record $886 billion in military spending. AWC Representative Jim Jordan published internal Facebook discussions exposing...



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