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Kyle Kulinski Doesn’t Understand Slavery

by | Dec 8, 2022

UBI = Slavery.

Social Security = Slavery.

Universal Healthcare = Slavery.

Wage Slavery = FREEDOM.

– Kyle Kulinski (@seculartalk)

If “wage slavery” is in fact slavery, Kulinski and the like must advocate abolishing College since it requires thousands of hours of work for $0.00 an hr.

My “wage slave owners” voluntarily offer me money, products, and services. My body my choice pal.

Kulinski and other taxation advocates believe you and I should be caged and separated from our families by the police if we don’t chip in for wars based on lies, schools which after 12 years turn people into morons, and welfare schemes which do not alleviate poverty.

Who is my enemy here?

If, for example, someone has a “right” to housing, and housing comes only from the knowledge, skills and efforts of other people, it means that one person has the right to force another person to build him a house.

– Larken Rose, The Most Dangerous Superstition (p. 117)

When libertarians say “UBI, Social Security, and state monopolized medicine” are slavery, we mean one group (the state) is literally claiming ownership over the bodies of other peaceful human beings. 

If the state catches you voluntarily trading without a license or working without an “occupational” license they will put you in a cage and shoot you if you resist. This is some people, literally claiming ownership over the bodies of others.

Needing 100 licenses to follow your dreams = Helping the poor!

Needing a drives license to vote = Evil, racist, classist, sexist, voter suppression!

Also, how can Kulinski use the term “universal healthcare” with a straight face? The state controls education, does that mean everyone is smart? The state controls the courts, does this yield “universal” justice? The state control the police, does this bring about “universal” security? The state controls the military, does this give us “universal” protection?

Sectors with the most government subsidization and regulation yield less competition thus higher prices. He hurts the very people he thinks he’s helping.

That said I am grateful that Mr. Kulinski is an avid anti-war voice. He has an open invitation onto the Libertarian Institute podcast.

Free association… the only true form of society.

– Pierre-Joseph Proudhon

Keith Knight

Keith Knight

Keith Knight is Managing Editor at the Libertarian Institute, host of the Don't Tread on Anyone podcast and editor of The Voluntaryist Handbook: A Collection of Essays, Excerpts, and Quotes.

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