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Helsinki Summit: A Call for Peace for Some, Call for War for Others

by | Jul 20, 2018

Helsinki Summit: A Call for Peace for Some, Call for War for Others

by | Jul 20, 2018

On July 16, 2018, President Trump met with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki to discuss US Relations with Russia, and the neoconservative establishment is melting down over the possibility of peace. Many prominent libertarians have also bought into the hysteria that the Establishment has propagated, claiming that we are still in the Cold War (or that Cold War II must begin). But ultimately, any lover of liberty must ignore the war trumpets of John McCain, Chuck Schumer, and the mainstream media, for they merely want to throw the world into at least Cold War II, it perhaps World War III.
As non-interventionists, we must embrace attempts to overturn the Cold War structure. This includes diplomatic efforts with North Korea, suggestions that the US ought to remove their troops from Europe, and also attempts to normalize US relations with Russia. To put it simply, the current administration is at least in this instance, prioritizing diplomacy over aggression.
To the “respectable politicians (you know, the people that gave us the Welfare-Warfare State, the American Empire, the 2008 crisis, the invasion of Iraq, the invasion of Libya, the NSA, the Patriot Act, and so on),” the only acceptable policy is war. When President Trump bombed Syria, any person in their right mind would have deplored this decision as the US putting its nose where it does not belong, but not the politicians like John McCain and Hillary Clinton, who actually praised bombing Syria! But they criticized him for “not doing enough” (I guess it’s not enough until half a million civilians are dead, similarly to what US did in Iraq, which the politico Madeleine Albright, proclaimed as “worth it”).
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TJ Roberts

TJ Roberts

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