We’re Suing The Federal Reserve!! (Let’s Finish What Ron Paul Started)

by | Apr 1, 2021

George Gammon and attorney Robert Barnes are suing the Federal Reserve under the FOI act.

It’s Time To Sue The Fed Under The Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) #EndTheFed

Since 1913 the Fed has destroyed the purchasing power of the dollar, distorted the economy, created malinvestment, and incentivized misallocations of resources that have crushed the American poor and middle class.

Often they’ve implemented their destructive policies blatantly defying the document that legally binds them, the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

The poor and middle class end up paying the price for the Fed ignoring the law to create INFLATION, while the financial insiders and politicians get richer due to the Cantillon Effect.

THIS IS WHY WE NEED TO TAKE LEGAL ACTION!  We need to push back and show them they’re NOT above the law.  The Federal Reserve Act is meant to, not only constrain the central planners, but protect us from them.

So here are the “simple, fast steps!”

  • Sue under FOIA.
  • Audit Fed with documents received.
  • File lawsuit for violation of Federal Reserve Act (assuming law was broken).
  • Win.
  • #EndTheFed or at the least constrain them in the future and send a message to ALL central planners that they are NOT above the law.

About Steven Woskow

Steve Woskow is an entrepreneur and was President of Agtech Products, Inc., a research and development company specializing in animal agriculture. He has a Ph.D. in Nutrition and Food Science from Iowa State University. He is retired and lives with his family in Northern Nevada.

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