Onrush of the Russian military operation in Ukraine has placed President Volodymyr Zelensky into a troublesome situation. Due to the lack of weaponry and ammunition, copious human losses, and destruction of vital military infrastructure the Ukrainian leader started actively seeking for any sort of help from the outside. This is borne out by his numerous callouts to the European Union, NATO, and the international community for ammunition supplies, on top of his decision to create a non-visa regime for anyone who is willing to fight alongside the Ukrainian Armed Forces and far-right...
Will Washington Review the Double Standards of Its Syria File?
The mayhem of the presidential elections left the American policy-makers locked in heated arguments about the future of the U.S. domestic and foreign policy alike. One of the most pressing issues on the agenda is the Middle East developments, especially the U.S. role in Syria. After his ultimate defeat in the national vote Donald Trump handed down his successor a controversial legacy of multiple unresolved issues coupled with the badly damaged image of the White House. This is true especially for Syria, where despite repeated claims of total victory over ISIS, the terrorists continue to...
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Israel Winner of the 2003 Iraq Oil War
Domestic Imperialism: Nine Reasons I Left Progressivism
Imagine the Catholic Church (or any person or group of people) doing what the government does every day: Everyone who doesn’t give the Catholic Church 25% of his annual income every year will be put in jail. If he resists the Jesuit officer, the officer has the right...
Diary of a Psychosis: How Public Health Disgraced Itself During COVID Mania
FOREWORD BY JAY BHATTACHARYA, MD, PHD Diary of a Psychosis is different from all other books on Covid: it traces the development of the government response as it happened, bit by bit, and subjects it to relentless scrutiny: did any of it do any good? It thereby...