The Efficacy and Ethics of Voting

As many times as I have spoken and written on this topic, I chose restraint on formally addressing it again until the madness of the 2016 election cycle faded. The reason for this restraint is that I have suffered the extreme hyperbolic madness of the election frenzy ten times during my life and I have learned not to attempt to reason with piranha while they are feeding. Not that every national election has this effect on the voting public. There have been thirteen national elections during my life, and I remember every one of them. But the frenzy only took hold ten of those thirteen times,...

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The Mechanism of Secession is The Philosopher’s Stone

Secession is the go-to faith of many, if not most, so-called right/conservative/alt-right/libertarians and even many left-libertarians, along with a good portion of anarchists. As the belief is usually stated, large governments and empires become economically and/or culturally unstable and break apart through secession into smaller governments. Smaller governments, it is believed by the faithful, are easier for individuals to deal with and eventually these smaller governments become local governments, and then individuals use secession to break free of all governments. In a world so...

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