Me contemplating the Herculean task before me... I will be pausing Chasing Ghosts from its fortnightly cadence of issuance for the remainder of the year. I am taking the time to regroup and focus on the new occasional podcast, WarNotes: A Conflict Podcast as a companion podcast focusing on conventional conflict and strategic thought. My first WarNotes series will be a comprehensive survey of how to fix the broken, shattered and most expensive paper tiger in the history of the world, the US military complex. The Fixing Fight Club series will be weekly until I finish the survey. I think the...
CG Announcement November 2024
Me contemplating the Herculean task before me... I will be pausing Chasing Ghosts from its fortnightly cadence of issuance for the remainder of the year. I am taking the time to regroup and focus on the new occasional podcast series, WarNotes: A Conflict Podcast as a companion podcast focusing on conventional conflict and strategic thought. I think the new election results may be the time for the western military complexes to take a knee and refocus and re-calibrate strategic and grand strategic opportunities in addressing the real-time shortfalls in facing Revolutions in Military Affairs...
Ep 002 “Fixing Fight Club: The Hegemon Steps Back”
It is time for the most expensive military in the world to seek a reset, this episode will continue to suggest that a strategic and grand strategic reframing has to take place to facilitate a wholesale re-imagining of the martial enterprises of America. References: Sun Tzu The Art of War Carl von Clausewitz On War Miyamoto Musashi A Book of Five Rings: The Classic Guide to Strategy H. John Poole The Last Hundred Yards: The NCO’s Contribution to Warfare Christian Brose The Kill Chain: Defending America in the Future of High-Tech Warfare Qiao Liang & Wang Xiangsui Unrestricted Warfare:...
The SANDF is a Military Dumpster Fire
The South African National Defense Force (SANDF) is in tatters. The SA Navy is also in the hazard. One glaring example is the MTU 1163 propulsion engine. Grimms was paid R55 million for a W6 engine overhaul, yet the engine has still not undergone a dyno test or no measure reports are made available as per OEM specifications. Ironically, Grimms claims to operate the largest dyno testing facility in Sub-Saharan Africa. The engine, sarcastically dubbed the “22-ton anchor,” is prominently displayed on their shop floor. For context, a brand-new 1163 engine at that time would have cost just R32...
Terrestrial Speed Demon: Non-Nuclear Throw-Weight Comes of Age
Russians play chess and the West plays Naked Twister. ICBMs and IRBMs have been hyper-sonic since the 1950s. Replace the warhead with a terrestrial-launched Rod from God and you have a very effective non-nuclear option to reach anywhere in the northern hemisphere with no nuclear fallout at terminus. The west evens refers to the Soviet/Russian SS-18 as Satan. Email me at
Macgregor Steps Up to the Plate
COL Douglas Macgregor shows the stark choices ahead a defense establishment in the US and the west that is inexorably grinding to a halt in effectiveness and incompetence. The incoming President has three choices: 1. Allow service bureaucracies or external events to drive outcomes, resulting in few or no savings. This is akin to letting the ship drift aimlessly, at the mercy of the storm. 2. Make marginal adjustments to the defense status quo, avoiding conflicts but achieving little change and only modest savings. This is like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic—it won’t save the...
Taliban is Still on the Western Dole
However, the Taliban is the group handing out NGO licenses in Afghanistan. If a Taliban sympathizer asks for an NGO license, they get it. So, many of these groups send money directly to the Taliban or to support the families of suicide bombers. Legend also said if the United States suspended these weekly payments, we would see signs of the Taliban and other Afghanistan-based terror groups crumbling within a year. The $40 million weekly cash shipments have stabilized the Afghani, making the Taliban’s newly printed currency the world’s best performer, beating the U.S. dollar in...
Ep 001 “Fixing Fight Club: The Collapse of American Military Power”
Here's the premier episode of my new podcast, WarNotes: A Conflict Podcast and I am introducing the first series of 'casts I will do on base-lining problems and offering solutions to the immense military incompetence, malfeasance and rank stupidity that informs so much of contemporary Western military history. In the companion Chasing Ghosts podcast I produce, I am often scolded on being so overwhelmingly negative in my portrait of America and the west fighting the other conflicts, irregular warfare, historically and contemporaneously so bloody badly. I will seek to lighten the mood a tad...