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The European Union’s Distorted Theory of ‘Liberty’

The European Union’s Distorted Theory of ‘Liberty’

Today, governments in Europe have a broad answer to the question, “What is the role of government?” A culture of interventionism incrusted over many years convinced European governments that everything can be solved with more money, more bureaucrats, and more plans. Needleless to say, with this mindset governments always ask and obtain more power and it's never assumed that they could become too large. No longer is the government managing the affairs of the State, because all of life is now an affair of the State. Governments have plans about what to do with the life of their citizens, and...

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It Is Just About Time

It Is Just About Time

Time is the most valuable resource owned by individuals. Indeed, the time available to an individual, being by essence limited, is an extremely scarce resource. One could argue that progresses in medicine contribute to increase the average lifespan, but it cannot be expended indefinitely. Time flies at the same speed for everyone. Time spent is gone forever and additional time cannot be borrowed or exchanged for another commodity. The physical and cognitive abilities of individuals also evolve over time, which means that time must be used carefully to ensure the completion of the important...

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Epistocracy and the Nature of Political Knowledge

Epistocracy and the Nature of Political Knowledge

Many intellectuals and philosophers have suggested that society would be better ruled if political power was concentrated citizens according to their knowledge. For instance, Plato proposed a system of governance, called Noocracy, where decision making is in the hands of philosophers. Other systems of similar flavor such as Technocracy or Meritocracy were also proposed. The most recent system of this kind is Epistocracy proposed by libertarian philosopher Jason Brennan. Epistocracy is based on the idea that only citizens with political knowledge (to be understood as competent citizens who...

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Western Europe Puts Free Speech in the Crosshairs

Western Europe Puts Free Speech in the Crosshairs

As Murray Rothbard, writing in Power and Market, noted: “Democracy may be thought of, not so much as a value in itself, but as a possible method for achieving other desired ends...Democracy, after all, is simply a method of choosing governors and issues, and it is not so surprising that it might have value largely to the extent that it serves as a means to other political ends." In several western countries, the legal framework protecting individual rights is challenged. Political activists and intellectuals are taking advantage of the social and economic discontentment to promote...

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