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Living in the World Hamilton Designed

Living in the World Hamilton Designed

Today [January 11] in 1757, it is generally believed Alexander Hamilton was born. As John Adams put it, he was “the bastard brat of a Scottish peddler.” Born out of wedlock on the British isle of Nevis, Hamilton would become one of the most influential political forces of his time. As a 14-year-old, Hamilton expressed interest in joining a military force to achieve prestige through warfare. “My ambition is prevalent that I contemn the groveling conditions of a clerk,” he wrote. “I shall conclude saying I wish there was a war,” he dreamed. As a young man in St. Croix, he was given sole...

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Today in History: The Boston Tea Party

Today in History: The Boston Tea Party

Today in history, on Dec. 16, 1773, a group of Bostonians dressed as Mohawk Indians boarded three British ships and dumped several tons of tea into Boston Harbor. The event became known as the “Boston Tea Party,” or the “Destruction of the Tea.” After congregating at the Old South Meeting House, a group of patriots donned the attire of Native Mohawk Indians – to show that their action was reflective of an American cause rather than a British one. They rushed down to the harbor, where they boarded the tea ship Dartmouth and unloaded all 342 chests of tea into the water. Although they engaged...

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