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Do They Want American Troops to Die?

Do They Want American Troops to Die?

Biden administration mismanagement—or worse—from day one of the latest Israeli multi-front war in the Middle East has led us to where we are today, at the brink of an all-out regional war with some 40,000 U.S. troops and multiple U.S. military bases in the region with targets on their back. [President Joe] Biden's blank check to Israel after the attacks of October 7, 2023, to launch multiple wars against its neighbors and carry out the mass murder of Palestinian civilians in Gaza has drawn the U.S. right into the middle of a bubbling cauldron of [World War III]. And rather than take a sober...

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The TikTok Totalitarians

The TikTok Totalitarians

On Wednesday, March 13th, a bipartisan group of U.S. Representatives voted to give the U.S. president the power to remove any website, computer or mobile application, or even service provider that the president determines—without due process—is run by “a person subject to the direction of control of a foreign person or entity” as long as that foreign person or entity is declared an “adversary” of the U.S. And who gets to decide who is an “adversary”? The U.S. President. Cut through the hollow propaganda about the Chinese using it to spy on and subvert Americans—another “Saddam’s got WMDs”...

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‘Black Hawk Down’ For Biden in the Red Sea

‘Black Hawk Down’ For Biden in the Red Sea

The breaking news that Ansar Allah (Houthi) fighters have fired on the USS Carney in the Red Sea today [Friday, January 26] underscores the shocking failure of the Biden Administration, which initiated airstrikes on the Houthis this month with no plan for “victory” beyond hoping that the mere presence of U.S. warships would intimidate them into surrendering. Even a junior Pentagon or State Department analyst could have advised the Administration that, based on everything we understand about the Houthis and their successful defeat of Saudi Arabia (and, by proxy, DC), lobbing a few missiles in...

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Neocons Freak As Biden Reportedly Considers Middle East Withdrawal

Neocons Freak As Biden Reportedly Considers Middle East Withdrawal

Neocon heads like the Middle East Institute’s Charles Lister’s are exploding with the news today that the Biden Administration may be considering withdrawing from its illegal occupations in both Syria and Iraq. First on Syria. As Lister opines today in Foreign Policy: …four sources within the Defense and State departments said the White House is no longer invested in sustaining a mission that it perceives as unnecessary. Active internal discussions are now underway to determine how and when a withdrawal may take place. Lister, an early and stalwart supporter of the al-Qaeda-affiliated...

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Facebook Lifts Ban on Calls for Violence (But Only Against Russians)

Facebook Lifts Ban on Calls for Violence (But Only Against Russians)

Anyone following social media’s “Community Standards” knows how selectively they are enforced. Your humble writer was permanently banned from Twitter in 2019 for using a word to describe Sean Hannity’s mental slowness that is otherwise used perhaps millions of times per day by others with full impunity. Likewise, calls for violence against Sen. Rand Paul are also made routinely with impunity, in direct violation of the stated “Community Standards.” But even the hypocrisy and cynicism we have seen to this point by Big Social Media does not prepare one for a shocking development today,...

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In Ukraine, Biden Reaps What He Sowed

In Ukraine, Biden Reaps What He Sowed

Then-Secretary of State Colin Powell is given credit for popularizing the "Pottery Barn" rule of foreign policy. Though he denies using that exact phrase, in arguing against what became the disastrous 2003 U.S. attack on Iraq Powell made the point that, as in Pottery Barn, "if you break it, you own it." Bush and his neocons—ironically with the help of Colin Powell himself—did indeed break Iraq and the American people as a result "owned" Iraq for the subsequent 22 years (and counting). It was an idiotic war and, as the late former NSA chief Gen. Bill Odom predicted, turned out to be "the...

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All the Trouble in the World: The Ron Paul Doctrine

All the Trouble in the World: The Ron Paul Doctrine

Daniel McAdams is executive director of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity and coproducer/cohost of the Ron Paul Liberty Report. Daniel served as the foreign affairs, civil liberties, and defense/intel policy advisor to US congressman Ron Paul from 2001 until Dr. Paul’s retirement at the end of 2012. From 1993 to 1999 he worked as a journalist based in Budapest, Hungary, and traveled through the former Communist bloc as a human rights monitor and election observer. He has a BA in English from the University of California, Berkeley, and worked on an MA in international relations...

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If You Like War, You’re Going to Love the Biden Administration

If Joe Biden is successful in his fight for the White House, he will be bringing with him a foreign policy team that is responsible for some of the biggest and deadliest fiascos in the past quarter century. From the idiotic attack on Yugoslavia, to arming jihadists in Syria, to the murder of Libya and the Ukraine coup, the team of rabid interventionists readying themselves to return to power have left a scorched earth behind them. Now they are ready to get back in the ring. On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report: This was originally featured at the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity and...

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