"In other words, there is a clandestine network of influential figures (the “Round Table Groups” referred to by Quigley) who cooperate with both the left and the right sides of the traditional political spectrum to carry out their own self-serving agenda. In this way, they rig the system so that voters can never effect fundamental change. And, as Quigley laments, they wish to remain unknown despite their significant role in shaping world events." - James Corbett, REPORTAGE: Essays on the New World Order The Corbett Report is an independent, listener-supported...
I Was Wrong About Trump 2.0 "When we straighten it all out, then I want one of the first meetings I have [to be] with President Xi of China, President Putin of Russia. And I want to say, let’s cut our military budget in half," - Donald Trump, February 13, 2025 Watch on X Watch on Rumble Watch on BitChute Watch on Odysee
The Origins of “Racism” "How very interesting that the first mention of "racism" in modern history was paired with "classism." As in class struggle." - Karlyn Borysenko, A Brief History of Racism Karlyn Borysenko is a psychologist and independent journalist, author of Actively Unwoke & A Brief History of Racism. Substack: A Brief History of Racism: Karlyn Borysenko on X: Watch on Rumble Watch on X Watch on BitChute Watch on Odysee
The Truth About the Pulse Nightclub Massacre …[W]e now have the first complete data set of all suicide terrorist attacks around the world from 1980 to 2009,…research on who becomes a suicide terrorist showed that virtually none could be diagnosed as mentally ill, while many were religious and, most striking, nearly all emerged from communities resisting foreign military occupation…. From 1980 to 2003, there were 345 completed suicide terrorist attacks by 524 suicide terrorists who actually killed themselves on a mission to kill others, half of whom are secular. The world leader was the Tamil Tigers (a...
Four Lessons From Thomas Sowell w/ Dr. Phil Magness “Japanese immigrants to the United States also encountered persistent and escalating discrimination, culminating in their mass internment during World War II, but by 1959 they had about equaled the income of whites and by 1969 Japanese American families were earning nearly one-third higher incomes than the average American family.” - Thomas Sowell, Civil Rights: Rhetoric or Reality? Phil Magness (Ph.D.) is an economic historian at the Independent Institute. Follow Dr. Magness on X Watch on Odysee Watch on Rumble Watch on BitChute Watch on X
The Truth About The American South w/ Dr. Alan Harrelson The basics are always, food production, your spiritual welfare, how you deal with families and friends [is] the core foundation of humanity what it means to be human. Technology can help with all these things but that's not the America that I hope for, I think that the country needs to look back to the South to learn once again the importance of land-based Lifestyles for a successful civilization. - Dr. Alan Harrelson, The Pipe Cottage Watch on X Watch on Odysee Watch on BitChute Watch on Rumble
Konstantin Kisin is Wrong About Winston Churchill “Retaliation was certain if we carried the war into Germany…Yet, because we were doubtful about the psychological effect of propagandist distortion of the truth that it was we who started the strategic offensive, we have shrunk from giving our great decision of May, 1940, the publicity which it deserved. That surely, was a mistake. It was a splendid decision. It was as heroic, as self-sacrificing, as Russia’s decision to adopt her policy of ‘scorched earth’…It could have harmed us morally only if it were equivalent to an admission that we were the first to bomb...
Paul Krugman: Liar or Ignoramus? w/ Tom Woods Here, in a very simple summary, is what the Austrian theory says: 1) Interest rates can come down in two ways: a) the public saves more; or b) the central bank artificially forces them down. 2) Businessmen respond to the lower interest rates by starting new projects. The projects tend to be those that are the most interest-rate sensitive-in particular, they occur in the so-called higher-order stages of production: mining, raw materials, construction, capital equipment, etc. Production processes farthest removed in time from finished consumer goods, in other...