Listing the main ways that society appears to treat men less fairly than women requires only a little more reflection to complete. Topping the list: a. Men are overrepresented at the bottom levels of society. They do most of the nasty, dangerous work, are much more likely to be homeless or imprisoned, and much more likely to kill themselves. b. Men spend much more time on the job than women. c. The law heavily favors women in child custody and child support disputes. d. Men are more likely to be victims of violent crime. e. Men are much more likely to die in...
Three SJW Lies: Racism, Sexism, and Homophobia w/ Keith Knight [T]he number of blacks in professional, technical, and other high-level occupations more than doubled in the decade preceding the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In other occupations, gains by blacks were greater during the 1940s — when there was practically no civil rights legislation — than during the 1950s. In various skilled trades, the income of blacks relative to whites more than doubled between 1936 and 1959… Affirmative action hiring pressures make it costly to have no minority employees, but continuing affirmative action pressures at the promotion and...
The Reagan Lesson w/ Scott Horton #nowarwithiran War is ultimately about collectivism. During crisis, individuality fades in favor of team effort. During violent conflict, particularly between governments, the world becomes, especially it seems for Americans, a giant, bloody football game: our team versus theirs, us versus them, good versus evil. Go, team, go. - Scott Horton, Individualism vs. War Watch on BitChute
Domestic Imperialism: The Truth About Progressivism It’s common to see Progressives — who offer me no job, no products, and no services — claim that my real enemies are people who voluntarily offer me those things. Like a jealous spouse, they become abusive when they feel insecure, rather than do the work that it takes to improve themselves. It’s noteworthy that Amazon has voluntarily chosen to enact a $15-an-hour minimum wage, the very thing Progressives say only can be achieved via state coercion. - Keith Knight, Domestic Imperialism: Nine Reasons I Left Progressivism Watch on BitChute
Dave Smith: Lessons From Murray Rothbard and Hans Hoppe It is absurd to believe that an agency which may tax without consent can be a property protector. Likewise, it is absurd to believe that an agency with legislative powers can preserve law and order. – Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Ph.D., Democracy: The God That Failed Dave Smith Comedy Tour Dates: Watch on BitChute
The Truth About Government Agencies w/ Jim Bovard Federal law enforcement agencies arbitrarily confiscate more property from Americans each year than all the burglars steal nationwide. The IRS pilfered more cash from private bank accounts because of alleged paperwork errors than the total looted by bank robbers nationwide. Federal bureaucrats blocked landowners from farming or building on a hundred million acres of their own property because of puddles, ditches, or other suspected wet spots. - James Bovard, Last Rights: The Death of American Liberty Jim Bovard is a Senior Fellow for the Libertarian Institute and...
The Ultimate Refutation of the COVID-19 Regime w/ Thomas E. Woods Jr. In the name of "the science," people did destructive and irrational and inhuman things, none of which accomplished much of anything -- apart from disrupting people's scheduled medical procedures, decimating people's savings, destroying their businesses, and causing a spike in mental health problems, addiction, and suicide. - To the surprise of many, it turns out that "public health officials" are members of the fallible human race just as we are. Far from being purely rational, unbiased individuals in search of only the common good; they succumb...
Domestic Imperialism: Nine Reasons I Left Progressivism Governments provide many things, such as security, schools, intelligence gathering, and poverty assistance programs, but none of these are defining characteristics of governments. They can be provided by many nongovernment actors in society, and historically, they have been. What makes government a unique institution in society is its widely recognized right to achieve its ends via threats of violence against non-aggressors. This is why you would go to jail for trying to “tax” someone’s income, or if you attempted to “regulate” the commercial interactions of...