...[W]e human beings, as social animals, need individual freedom to fully flourish. The equation is simple: individual freedom = social cooperation = individual and social flourishing. Many corollaries follow. To pick one, the freedom to choose with whom we will cooperate entails competition among those who wish to cooperate with any given individual. – Sheldon Richman, What Social Animals Owe to Each Other Watch on BitChute
The Truth About the Free Market: Profit, Competition, and Greed The most reliable and effective protection for most workers is provided by the existence of many employers. As we have seen, a person who has only one possible employer has little or no protection. The employers who protect a worker are those who would like to hire him. Their demand for his services makes it in the self-interest of his own employer to pay him the full value of his work. If his own employer doesn't, someone else may be ready to do so. Competition for his services—that is the worker's real protection. - Milton and Rose Friedman, Free to Choose...
Justice is Coming! Cenk Uygur & Keith Knight [L]eftists (the ones who are anti-state but also support social safety nets) could have most to everything they want in an anarchist society in the form of mutual aid societies. Those are the types of leftists that are worth reaching out to, unlike neoliberals. – Ace Archist, guest speaker at the Libertarian Institute. Cenk Uygur is host of The Young Turks, the largest online news show in the world. We discuss the ideas in his new book, Justice is Coming: How Progressives Are Going to Take Over the Country and America is Going to Love It
The War on Terror: What the Corporate Press Refuses to Say Then the fighters realized that the gang in the White House could not see things clearly, and that their leader (that idiot they obey) was claiming that we envied their lifestyle — when the truth, which this Pharaoh would like to hide — is that we are attacking them because of their injustice toward the Muslim world, and especially Palestine and Iraq, as well as their occupation of the land of the two sanctuaries. When the fighters saw this, they decided to come out of the shadows and take the fight into their territory, into their homes. – Osama bin Laden, Al...
Why I Left the Democratic Party Briefly, the State is that organization in society which attempts to maintain a monopoly of the use of force and violence in a given territorial area; in particular, it is the only organization in society that obtains its revenue not by voluntary contribution or payment for services rendered but by coercion. While other individuals or institutions obtain their income by production of goods and services and by the peaceful and voluntary sale of these goods and services to others, the State obtains its revenue by the use of compulsion; that is, by the use and the...
Getting Good People to Justify Atrocities War is ultimately about collectivism. During crisis, individuality fades in favor of team effort. During violent conflict, particularly between governments, the world becomes, especially it seems for Americans, a giant, bloody football game: our team versus theirs, us versus them, good versus evil. Go, team, go. - Scott Horton, Individualism vs. War Watch on BitChute
Who is More “Selfish”?
War is ultimately about collectivism. During crisis, individuality fades in favor of team effort. During violent conflict, particularly between governments, the world becomes, especially it seems for Americans, a giant, bloody football game: our team versus theirs, us versus them, good versus evil. Go, team, go. This, of course, leads to all sorts of fallacious thinking, such as “Death to them is not like death to us,” “We have to let them bomb us so they won’t know we’ve broken the codes,” “Using nuclear bombs on civilians saved lives,” “Everything changed on September 11th,” and “Don’t you...
How to Avoid Getting Fooled in 2024: Jones Plantation Movie w/ Larken Rose If human beings are so careless, stupid and malicious that they cannot be trusted to do the right thing on their own, how would the situation be improved by taking a subset of those very same careless, stupid and malicious human beings and giving them societal permission to forcibly control all the others? - Larken Rose, The Most Dangerous Superstition (p. 26) You can control a man with brute violence but you can never truly OWN a man until he's convinced that your word is law, and obedience is a virtue. Watch Jones Plantation here:...