This idea that individuals can be and should be sacrificed for the “greater good” is the essence of the fascist/socialist/collectivist philosophy... For many intellectuals, the attractiveness of socialism is that it is “rational”; it is a “planned” economy, planned by people like them. – Thomas J. DiLorenzo, Ph.D., The Problem with Socialism (2016, Regnery Publishing), pp. 68, 121. Book Discussed: Questioning the COVID Company Line: Critical Thinking in Hysterical Times by Laurie Calhoun Watch on BitChute
Thomas Sowell: Refuting the 1619 Project The Economic Legacy of Slavery What was accomplished by the enslavement of untold millions of human beings in countries around the world? No doubt particular projects here and there were the fruits of slave labor, but it would be difficult to make the more general case that slavery advanced the economic level of those societies in which it existed on a mass scale. The American South, for example, was by no means the most economically dynamic region of the country, either during or after the era of slavery. It was in fact the poorest. Brazil, which imported...
Propaganda: A Lesson From Kaiser Wilhelm & Dave Smith Falsehood is a recognized and extremely useful weapon in warfare, and every country uses it quite deliberately to deceive its own people, to attract neutrals, and to mislead the enemy. The ignorant and innocent masses in each country are unaware at the time that they are being misled, and when it is all over only here and there are the falsehoods discovered and exposed...A useful purpose can therefore be served in the interval of so-called peace by a warning which people can examine with dispassionate calm, that the authorities in each country do, and indeed...
The Libertarian Lesson From ‘Downfall’
Once small government advocates concede that war is a euphemism for theft funded mass murder, taxation is theft, and economic regulation turns productive people into "criminals", they will frequently say, "We at least need a government to protect us from other governments!". Set aside the fact that death by government from wars, starvation blockades, and genocides yield a result no private organization could ever come close to, since no one imagines private groups have an arbitrary right to initiate violence against peaceful people. This mentality ignores the economic reality that one group...
The Gender Death Gap
A central claim of modern day Social Justice advocates is that the existence of disparities, is proof of discrimination. By this metric, American police and the American workplace system are systemically, systematically, and fundamentally sexist (and ageist!). An overwhelming majority of people shot and killed by police are male - over 95 percent. More than half of the victims are between 20 and 40 years old. - Washington Post, Police Shootings Database The real problem with police is two-fold. First, they are coercively funded via taxation, meaning they receive money from their involuntary...
Learn the Truth About the War in Ukraine at FreedomFest 2023!
FreedomFest is headed to Memphis in 2023! Come see Scott Horton of the Libertarian Institute explain how NATO Expansion, the Donbas War, and RussiaGate lies made the war in Ukraine inevitable. Use code HORTON50 at checkout for a discount: FreedomFest 2023
CFR President Richard Haass Admits the UniParty is Real
It used to be—think about it, until recently it didn’t really matter all that much who won an election at the presidential level. Don’t get me wrong, obviously there were differences between the parties. But if I can use a sports metaphor, the differences between Republicans and Democrats, per se, were within the forty-yard lines. Yeah, there’d be differences but actually what Democrats and Republicans had in common was far greater than what they did not. - Richard Haass, President of the Council on Foreign Relations (June 1st, 2023) Besides the "until recently" part, I fully agree with Mr....
Getting Money Out of Politics: Abolish the IRS
[I]f you don't get money out of politics, then yes in the long term it's hopeless. But we must, we must get money out of politics. - Cenk Uygur, creator of The Young Turks Progressive Cenk Uygur said these words without realizing the fact that the primary source of money in politics comes from the Federal Reserve and the Internal Revenue Service, two institutions he proudly supports. What he is most likely talking about, are voluntary political donations. In other words, people choosing to give their money to candidates is wrong, but those very same politicians should have the right to...