Military Conscription is Slavery: Woodrow Wilson Edition

Military Conscription is Slavery: Woodrow Wilson Edition

By the guidelines set down by the Selective Service Act, all males aged 21 to 30 were required to register to potentially be selected for military service. At the request of the War Department, Congress amended the law in August 1918 to expand the age range to include all men 18 to 45, and to bar further volunteering.[7] By the end of World War I, some two million men volunteered for various branches of the armed services, and some 2.8 million had been drafted.[8] This meant that more than half of the almost 4.8 million Americans who served in the armed forces were drafted. Due to the effort...

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Summary of Thomas Sowell’s ‘Black Rednecks and White Liberals’

Summary of Thomas Sowell’s ‘Black Rednecks and White Liberals’ Educational and intellectual performance is a readily documented area where the persistence of culture can be tested. As late as the First World War, white soldiers from various Southern states scored lower on mental tests than black soldiers from various Northern states. Not only did black soldiers have the advantage of better schools in the North, they also had an opportunity for the Southern culture to begin to erode in their new surroundings. Over the years, much has been made of the fact that blacks score lower than whites nationwide on mental tests. From...

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We Were Wrong About Democratic Socialism

We Were Wrong About Democratic Socialism With nearly 100,000 members and over $5 million in annual income, couldn’t Democratic Socialists of America more effectively reduce capitalist exploitation on the margin by directly financing and staffing worker-owned cooperatives? - Chris Freiman, author of Why It’s OK to Ignore Politics BitChute

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The Capitalist Competition Myth

The Capitalist Competition Myth

Capitalism involves far more cooperation than competition—think of the number of mutually beneficial transactions you’ve had today compared to the number of competitions you’ve been in today - Chris Freiman, author of Why It's OK to Ignore Politics Democratic socialists sometimes object to capitalism on the grounds that it’s unduly competitive but democracy also looks pretty competitive to me - Chris Freiman, author of Why It's OK to Ignore Politics

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Laci Green is Wrong: Democratic Competition vs. Free Market Competition

Laci Green is Wrong: Democratic Competition vs. Free Market Competition

In environments where there's a lot of competition, people tend to lie out their ass and you can apply this to any competitive situation. Take capitalism. As industrialization took full effect, the Federal Government had to interfere because there was so much false advertising. - Laci Green The concept of "unregulated dog-eat-dog competition" is frequently attributed to capitalism even though it applies more so to democracy. Democracy, also known as Mob Rule by the Ignorant, involves people competing for who gets to coercively rule over everyone else, while the free market competes to better...

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Empower the Workers: Decriminalize Economic Activity Between Consenting Adults

Empower the Workers: Decriminalize Economic Activity Between Consenting Adults

The most reliable and effective protection for most workers is provided by the existence of many employers. As we have seen, a person who has only one possible employer has little or no protection. The employers who protect a worker are those who would like to hire him. Their demand for his services makes it in the self-interest of his own employer to pay him the full value of his work. If his own employer doesn't, someone else may be ready to do so. Competition for his services—that is the worker's real protection. - Milton Friedman, Free to Choose

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Chris Rock’s New Special Exposes His Political Ignorance

Chris Rock’s New Special Exposes His Political Ignorance

A common claim among Democrats is that, "It's not that people don't want to be educated, they just haven't been given the opportunity, thus government spending on education needs to increase." If there were ever a group of people capable of "educating" themselves it would be American celebrities. Yet it seems as though there is a secret contest among them to see who could be the most historically, economically, and philosophically illiterate. The most recent example comes from Chris Rock's "Selective Outrage" Netflix special where he says, "It's the Royal Family...they invented colonialism."...

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The Truth About Slavery – Thomas Sowell

The Truth About Slavery – Thomas Sowell      For centuries before, Europeans had enslaved other Europeans, Asians had enslaved other Asians and Africans had enslaved other Africans. Only in the modern era was there both the wealth and the technology to organize the mass transportation of people across an ocean, either as slaves or as free immigrants. Nor were Europeans the only ones to transport masses of enslaved human beings from one continent to another. North Africa’s Barbary Coast pirates alone captured and enslaved at least a million Europeans from 1500 to 1800, carrying more Europeans into...

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