Anthony Fauci has announced that he will step down from his position as director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and, more importantly for free people, his role as the de facto public health czar of the United States. He has indicated that he is not retiring but moving on to the next chapter of his career, which I surmise will involve serving as Global Health Guru to the World Health Organization (WHO) or perhaps even the World Economic Forum (WEF). Since the spring of 2020, through a nonstop mainstream media campaign, Fauci succeeded in persuading U.S....

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KPFA Saturday Evening News–How Violence Breeds Violence

Short contribution of Laurie Calhoun to the KPFA Saturday Evening News on August 6, 2022, with David Rosenberg about drone assassination and the logic of “violence breeds violence”. This three-minute exchange spans 5:10-8:15. Many other foreign policy topics are also covered in the thirty-minute news report.

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Drone Assassination: Inconvenient Facts

On the assassination of Ayman al-Zawahiri by U.S. drone in Kabul (from Accuracy.org): [Laurie Calhoun] said today: “President Biden has pivoted from the multiple crises of his administration — inflation, heightened tensions with China and Iran, and even the very real risk of nuclear war with Russia — to announce that he authorized the drone strike killing in Kabul, Afghanistan, of Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, one of the masterminds behind the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Twenty years and millions of ruined lives later, the Biden administration wishes to claim the summary...

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The MIC Cult

The MIC Cult

One of the most fascinating features of religious cults is that their tenets are impervious to empirical refutation, or even disconfirmation. Every apparent exception to the reigning narrative, every refractory datum, has a ready explanation compatible with the story already believed by the cult members. The teachings are in effect metaphysical, which is why the group is able to continue to recite what they regard as “the gospel” no matter what transpires. Conceptually trapped within a fantasy world of their leader’s creation, the acolytes have been indoctrinated to believe that their leader...

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RIP Shinzo Abe

Former Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe was assassinated yesterday, in a country with a long history of nonviolence post-World War II, which Abe himself attempted assiduously to reverse. Hegemonic Spread and Lethal Creep: The Case of Japan

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