Be it the group that controls the state apparatus or the one that represents the institution of government, let us simply refer to the state. While the state cannot achieve everything, it can certainly achieve much, because the state is the monopoly of monopolies—the one and only that makes all other monopolies possible. First, the state is the compulsory territorial monopoly of the services of justice (law) and security (order), which, with institutional power to impose property transfers (taxes) for its maintenance, takes by force or threat the final decisions in society. And second, the...
To Promote Peace, You Must Fight Statism
U.S.-Zionist imperialism in the Middle East is far from coming to an end. The Hamas attack of October 7 on Israel triggered a highly murderous phase in the long-running Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The subsequent retaliation of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and their killing tens of thousands of innocents and continual provocations has elevated the possibility of a soon-to-come war between Israel and Iran, with the additional chance of involving the United States. To make matters worse, the American relationship with Israel in all these decades has made possible an unfortunate tolerance...
U.S.-Zionist Imperialism and the Middle East
A rich country leads the receiving end of U.S. foreign aid, including help for waging wars in the Middle East. This is the case of Israel, whose illegitimate origin is today considered throughout the world as the clearest of all states. Even a large part of the world’s population who do not consider themselves libertarian see Israel as an illegitimate state, while they do not think the same of the state of their own nation. At any rate, zionism, leaving aside its history as the political movement responsible for the creation of the state of Israel, can be briefly defined as unrestrained...