With inconsistent rules getting in the way of COVID testing, America’s dysfunctional regulatory system has made it more difficult for America to cope with the Coronavirus. While laboratories face the nearly impossible task of complying with two different sets of regulations, shady companies with little real expertise are selling kits that don’t actually test for the Coronavirus. Fortunately, legislation introduced by Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) would unshackle laboratories and provide clear rules to give Americans access to reliable testing products. Americans deserve to know whether they have...
Healthcare Sharing Ministries Are a Godsend to More than a Million Patients
This may come as a surprise to many bureaucrats in Washington, D.C., but not all Americans want the same exact healthcare plan. In the wake of the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare), a growing tide of (mainly religious) Americans have turned to Healthcare Sharing Ministries (HCSM) as a form of quasi-insurance to protect them against ailments and infirmities. But these institutions are incurring the wrath of state officials across the country who eye any alternative to government-ordained medical “insurance” with suspicion. Policymakers should empower patients to make choices for themselves...