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Attacking Iran Would Unleash Chaos on the Middle East

Attacking Iran Would Unleash Chaos on the Middle East

Undeterred by decades of carnage and the disastrous outcomes of prior conflicts, ideologues within the Trump administration are clamoring for military action against Iran. The exact basis for this escalation varies. Common among the allegations are concerns over Iran’s civilian nuclear program, in spite of Iranian compliance with the Non-Proliferation Treaty, Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (the Iran nuclear deal) and their Safeguards Agreement with the IAEA. Other pro-intervention voices decry Iran’s alleged sponsorship of terror organizations or cite a general concern for U.S. interests...

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America Cannot Save Afghanistan

America Cannot Save Afghanistan

After nearly two decades of bloodshed, meaningful progress is finally being made towards a conclusion of the war in Afghanistan. Negotiations with the Taliban in Qatar have achieved an uncommon consistency. On the domestic front, a bipartisan resolution matching the Taliban’s proposed timeline has emerged in the U.S. Senate. The main voices opposing peace originate from within the Pentagon and the Afghan National Unity Government. Read the rest at nationalinterest.org.

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It’s Time to Stop Fighting Osama bin Laden’s War

Osama bin Laden is long dead, but his plans live on through American foreign policy. In 2001, al Qaeda consisted of only 400 ideologues in the far corners of the world. After the recent regime change wars in Iraq, Yemen, Libya and Syria, typical estimates place their membership at around 20,000. To top it all off, the American economy is out $5.6 trillion dollars for the whole failed project. This is not the legacy of a war to spread, or even protect, liberty and prosperity. Instead it is the legacy of an evil but gifted tactician, al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. Contrary to the popular...

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There is No Humanitarian Reason for the Afghanistan War

There is No Humanitarian Reason for the Afghanistan War

There is no longer any relevant mission for the United States in Afghanistan. Western efforts to determine the future of that country have proven futile. Though officials with eyes on their legacies caution that an end to the occupation would unravel gains won on behalf of Afghan civilians, calls for deference to humanitarian concerns should ring hollow in the ears of Americans by now. Afghans are suffering terribly because of the war. The supposed humanitarian justification for our interventions has given way to privation, internecine conflict, and prolonged aerial bombardment. President...

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Trump Is Right, It’s Time to End the Afghan War

Read the original at Breitbart.com. President Trump’s decision to withdraw 7,000 troops from Afghanistan, possibly leading to a complete withdrawal of U.S. forces from that country in the near term, is correct. The Taliban insurgency there has already replaced the National Unity Government in much of the country, while the government itself has proven to be incapable of standing on its own after 17 years of American and international efforts to enable it to do so. The president has long argued that the war in Afghanistan is a no-win situation. Popular sentiment tracks with the president’s...

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