10 Use Cases for Crypto in the Counter-Economy

10 Use Cases for Crypto in the Counter-Economy

Blockchain technology has been a boon for counter-economists. Prior to Satoshi's white paper, in order to conduct a transaction with an individual or firm not physically present, a third party was required to verify transmission and receipt of funds. Historically, the state, whether directly or indirectly, has played this role - albeit poorly. Therefore, most of the items on this list will be new ways to utilize blockchains, fresh takes on existing infrastructure, or entrepreneurial paths to spread the mass adoption of cryptocurrency. 1. Sell Crypto We're all aware central banking is evil....

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5 Simple Ways To Support The Counter-Economy

5 Simple Ways To Support The Counter-Economy

Even if you aren’t prepared to engage in radical counter-economics, there are small steps everyone can take to either participate in, or at a minimum, support the counter-economy. I’ve assembled a list of 5 simple ways everyday people can participate in the agorist revolution. Food Trucks Food trucks not only often have excellent food, but they can also help push back against the state. In what is normally a cash business, food truck operators are better positioned to hide income from the state than other vendors such as chain grocery stores. Also, the more amateur the operation, the more...

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Empire of Islands: Geopolitics of the Philippines

Empire of Islands: Geopolitics of the Philippines

Empire refers to a grouping of territories under one common authority. Although nowadays it’s more applicable than ever, the term has peculiarly disappeared from the political lexicon. The term connotes romantic images of Rome and Britain at their heights. As the Irish say, the sun never set on the British empire but that’s only because God couldn’t trust the English in the dark. So it goes with all empires... For all intents and purposes, the Philippines is such an empire - albeit, an empire of islands. Like Rome & Britain, the Filipino state struggles to maintain control of its...

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