My colleague sent me a blog post of the wife of a cop who was lamenting the dangers that her husband faces in his profession. I get it, it’s got to be nerve-racking having a loved one with a job where there are serious health and life risks. But this blog post annoyed me. It’s not so much that the author bugs me. What bugs me is the acceptance by the general public that a police officer’s job has to be so dangerous. I work at an oil refinery. We have hydrocarbons, acids, hydrogen, etc. flowing through pipes and vessels. Sometimes they’re at conditions where autoignition will occur if...
Is the Non-Aggression Principle Axiomatic?
The Non-Aggression Principle is one of the most well known and core ideas to libertarianism. It succinctly lays the groundwork for how libertarians believe people should interact with each other. But is it always the answer for interaction? Does it hold literally hold 100% of the time? Or is it more of a guideline where extenuating circumstances require us to appeal to some other principle or idea? Let’s go deep into the weeds and explore whether the Non-Aggression Principle should be considered an axiom. Definitions I hold that while the Non-Aggression Principle is both extremely...
How the Government Perverts the Economic Reward System
How do some people figure out ways to make lots of money? And what is the reason that someone gets paid for his work? Earning money is all about the ability to solve problems. It can be as simple as solving the problem of a dirty floor. You can create value for someone by making that floor clean. With the help of a broom, you can sweep the dirt off the floor and solve that problem. Because someone sees value in that solution, they will reward you for your work in the form of payment. Sweeping a floor is a simple solution to a simple problem and typically would not be expected to...