
Qualified Immunity: Your New Supreme Overlord Barrett: You Have No Right To Not Be Suffocated to Death by Your Security Force

Read it and weep: If no court has ruled that you have the right to breathe, then no court can rule that you have the right to breathe. Neat trick.

“the only right plaintiffs can assert would be the right of an out-of-breath arrestee to not have his hands cuffed behind his back after he complains of difficulty breathing. We find no Seventh Circuit precedent clearly establishing such a right.”

Forget Firing the Prosecutor, Biden Overthrew the Government of Ukraine in 2014

The reason Burisma hired his crackhead son is that they were in tight with the government he overthrew and so were trying to cozy up to the new powers in town.

But anyway, here’s the intercepted phone call between Robert Kagan’s wife Victoria Nuland conspiring with the ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt about how to accomplish the coup, which was leaked two weeks before they went ahead and did it anyway. [Thanks Russia for the intercept! By the way, there are still 30,000 missing Hillary Clinton emails out there somewhere if you get a chance…]

Nuland: So on that piece Geoff, when I wrote the note [US vice-president’s national security adviser Jake] Sullivan’s come back to me VFR [direct to me], saying you need [US Vice-President Joe] Biden and I said probably tomorrow for an atta-boy and to get the deets [details] to stick. So Biden’s willing.

Pyatt: OK. Great. Thanks.

‘Fox News spoke to one of the people who was copied on the email, who confirmed its authenticity.’

Okay? There.

If you allowed James “Iraqi WMD/NSA Perjury” Clapper and the TV tell you to regurgitate Russia Russia Russia whenever someone mentions Crackhead Hunter Biden’s corruption and that his father lied about having nothing to do with his business dealings, as shown in these leaked emails, then here, go ahead and throw yourself down some stairs because I said so and apparently you’re that stupid.

The way the media and big tech have it in the bag for Biden this year is really something else. Twice as bad as last time. And I am not a Trump supporter. Just a liberal- and media-hater.

Update: Biden Spokeswoman: “I Don’t Think Anybody Is Saying They Are Inauthentic


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