Donor Matching Funds Announced!

A generous donor has offered to match all contributions dollar-for-dollar for the next $10,000 raised, doubling the impact of your donation and helping us reach our fundraising goal faster.

$12,990 of $60,000 raised


Stephen M Walt: Countries Should Mind Their Own Business

“As A.J.P. Taylor once archly observed, leaders in the 19th century “fought ‘necessary’ wars and killed thousands; the idealists of the 20th century fought ‘just’ wars and killed millions.” 

Stephen M. Walt (professor of international relations at Harvard University) argues at Foreign Policy that a one-size-fits-all world system is bound to fail. Walt cites three objections to the “hyperglobalization” currently favored by global elitists:

  1. States that interfere in foreign countries rarely understand what they are doing, and even well-intentioned efforts often fail due to ignorance, unintended consequences, or local resentment and resistance. A stronger norm of noninterference could make some protracted conflicts less likely or prolonged.
  2. Trying to impose a single model on other countries inevitably raises threat perceptions and increases the risk of serious great-power conflict.
  3. Creating a more stable international economic order while preserving most of the benefits of trade and comparative advantage will require fashioning trade and economic arrangements that permit great national autonomy, even at the price of slightly lower global growth rates.

This is the great battle playing out around the world. The U.S.A. foreign policy elites and their allies are trying desperately to maintain the post World War II liberal order in a world that no longer wants to be bound by the “Golden Straitjacket” of that world order.

“Looking ahead, greater respect for national sovereignty and fewer efforts to force the whole world into one way of living will help emerging rivalries stay within bounds and help countries with very different values cooperate on those critical issues where their interests overlap.”

As Much As They Might Want To, They Just Can’t Steal Their Way To Paradise

Jeff Snider at Real Clear Markets makes the case for capitalism

Capitalism sure is messy, unpredictable, and, most of all, lumpy. It doesn’t go in a straight line, can cause tremendous stress and pain, and there are times when it gets caught up, for prolonged periods, in the bureaucratic messes of interfering morons. But once it is eventually set free, stable money, the world’s workers end up united if only in having no interest in the deplorable Marxist revolution – Trotsky, Lenin, or Mao – and its authoritarian Hotel California.

Hitman Kills Son of Judge Overseeing Deutsche Bank-Epstein Trial

Now that is some 100-level gangster sh*t right there.

You might have thought a federal judge overseeing a case brought by the U.S. Department of Justice was untouchable.

But you would be wrong.

So did the bank have her son killed? Did Benjamin Netanyahu do it? Or was it Bill Clinton? Or Her Highness’s Royal Hit Squad?

Think the judge got the message?

Did you?

Update: okay, well, who knows? — “authorities” now say the murderer was a lawyer with a parochial grievance. Could be. He’s also dead, so there’s no asking him.

Colin Powell 17 Years After Lying Us Into War: ‘Boo Hoo. It’s Someone Else’s Fault’

Will this most political general’s self-promotional PR tour ever end?

You are a guilty war criminal, Colin. It’s not just your obituary. Your gravestone will say so too. And for all of the rest of human history you will be known as the useful tool who knew he was lying but went ahead anyway, killed one million people, turned the entire Middle East upside down and got the entire-damn 21st Century off to a bad start. Forever. Always. Guilty.

So go ahead and shut the hell up right now and just be thankful that the “law” in this country doesn’t apply to you and you get to die near family in your giant mansion instead of in a Supermax cell where you belong.

Now, go back to ignoring all these veteran suicides you caused and pretending they are someone else’s fault too.

CATO 2020 National Survey Results: 63% Of Americans In Favor Of Ending Qualified Immunity For Police

From Emily Ekins at CATO

Survey results show good news for police reform. 63% of Americans support ending qualified immunity for police. The problem is those in power don’t – a majority of Republicans, police (as represented by the unions) and the judicial system.

Other good news from the survey:

  • 84% of people oppose erasing records of police misconduct every few years.
  • 62% of people say police unions should not be allowed to collectively bargain over methods used to hold police officers accountable for misconduct.

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