
Dozens Of Aid Groups Urge Yemen Ceasefire Extension


More than 40 humanitarian groups on Thursday called for an extension to the ceasefire in war-torn Yemen, calling it a “critical moment” for the country.

Ahead of the truce’s current expiration date on Sunday, 44 aid agencies issued a joint statement to “remind all parties to the conflict that the future of the people of Yemen is in their hands”.

Yemen’s war between Iran-backed Huthi rebels and a Saudi-led coalition has left hundreds of thousands dead and created what the United Nations calls the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.

“Now is a critical moment for the people of Yemen,” said the groups, which include Oxfam, Save the Children and the Norwegian Refugee Council.

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Chomsky on MacNamara’s Confession

Boy does this have a ring of truth to it:

“The one interesting aspect of the book is how little [MacNamara] understood about what was going on or understands today. He doesn’t even understand what he was involved in. I assume he’s telling the truth. The book has a kind of ring of honesty about it. What it reads like is an extremely narrow technocrat, a small-time engineer who was given a particular job to do and just tried to do that job efficiently, didn’t understand anything that was going on, including what he himself was doing.”

At first I thought he was talking about Biden, Blinken, Sullivan and Austin.

Debunking the “Gender Pay Gap” and Feminist Narrative Once and For All

Debunking the “Gender Pay Gap” and Feminist Narrative Once and For All

Yes men on average earn more money than women on average.


Married men earn more on average than unmarried men.

50 year-olds earn more money on average than 20 year-olds.

Maryland residents earn on average more (almost double) than Mississippians.

White Americans earn LESS on average than Indian Americans, Chinese Americans, Bangladeshi Americans, Cambodian Americans, Taiwanese Americans, Filipino Americans, Hmong Americans, Indonesian Americans, Japanese Americans, Korean Americans, Pakistani Americans, Laotian Americans, Thai Americans, Vietnamese Americans, and Guamanian or Chamorro Americans.

Jewish Americans earn more on average than Catholic Americans.

Most homeless people are men.

Most people who commit suicide are men.

Most homicide victims are men.

Most workplace deaths are male.

The vast majority of baby genital mutilation in America is done to baby boys.

For centuries men where enslaved (conscripted) into military service where they were killed, had their limbs and fingers blown off, then were left with PTSD.

Men are 98% of death row inmates.

Men are 93% of prison inmates.

Innumerable studies, going back for decades, have shown that women do not average as many hours of work per year as men, do not have as many consecutive years of full-time employment as men, do not work in the same mix of occupations as men and do not specialize in the same mix of subjects in college as men.


Back in 1996, a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that young male physicians earned 41 percent higher incomes than young female physicians. But the same study showed that young male physicians worked over 500 hours a year more than young female physicians.


When the study took into account differences in hours of work, in the fields in which male and female doctors specialized and other differences in their job characteristics, “no earnings difference was evident.” In other words, when you compare apples to apples, you don’t get the “gender gap” in pay that you get when you compare apples to oranges.

– Thomas Sowell, On the “Pay Gap” Between Men and Women, 2015

For all that is holy, can we please stop the needless war between races, genders, and other accidents of birth and focus on what matters: If people achieve their ends in life voluntarily or violently.

For more, see The Voluntaryist Handbook.

Security Force

47 California deputies stripped of guns after failing psych tests in wake of double slaying

“The Alameda County Sheriff’s Office has stripped 47 deputies — 10% of the force — of their guns and arrest powers because they failed psychological exams in the wake of a fatal double shooting allegedly committed by a former Stockton cop.

“The audit followed the arrest earlier this month of former Deputy Devin Williams Jr., 24, who previously served with the Stockton Police Department. He is charged with shooting and killing a couple in their Dublin, Calif., home on Sept. 7.”


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