The glory of the human race is the uniqueness of each individual, the fact that every person, though similar in many ways to others, possesses a completely individuated personality of his own. It is the fact of each person’s uniqueness —...
Don’t Tread on Anyone
Hearing the Other Side: National Hall of Fame Teacher Interviews a Libertarian
by Keith Knight | Jun 9, 2022 | Don't Tread on Anyone ... one of the most significant ways in which the government could aid the poor is by removing its own direct roadblocks from their productive energies. Thus, minimum wage laws disemploy the poorest and least productive members of the...
Economic Truths My Professor Lied About (w/ David Bahnsen)
by Keith Knight | Jun 7, 2022 | Don't Tread on Anyone Defenders of free enterprise do not believe in a perfect administration under a market economy. Rather, we do not believe in the possibility of such. To the extent imperfect decision-making is accepted, we then seek to solve for who has...
‘What Is a Woman?’ – Six Things Conservatives Need to Know
by Keith Knight | Jun 5, 2022 | Don't Tread on Anyone “Biological sex [is] binary. It’s been binary for like a hundred million years, longer than that. Temperament is not binary, temperament or personality… people who talk about the diversity in gender are actually talking about diversity in...
The Problem With ‘What is a Woman?’
by Keith Knight | Jun 4, 2022 | Don't Tread on Anyone, Featured Articles, Libertarianism
"Biological sex [is] binary. It's been binary for like a hundred million years, longer than that. Temperament is not binary, temperament or personality… people who talk about the diversity in gender are actually talking about diversity in personality and temperament…"...
Hearing the Other Side: Libertarian Interviews Progressive (Bob Fenster & Keith Knight)
by Keith Knight | Jun 1, 2022 | Don't Tread on Anyone Defenders of free enterprise do not believe in a perfect administration under a market economy. Rather, we do not believe in the possibility of such. To the extent imperfect decision-making is accepted, we then seek to solve for who has...
I Attended a Marxist University and Became a Capitalist! (w/ Brad Polumbo)
by Keith Knight | May 29, 2022 | Don't Tread on Anyone To the extent that the years between the end of World War II and today are a story of competing economic visions, the short version is this: Karl Marx was wrong, and Milton Friedman was right. Market-oriented reforms over the past several...
Baby Formula: How Government Regulations Cause Shortages. Eric Boehm & Keith Knight
by Keith Knight | May 28, 2022 | Don't Tread on Anyone ...[I]mports of infant formula are subject to tariff-rate quotas of 17.5 percent after certain thresholds are met. As the name suggests, tariff-rate quotas are meant to be set high enough that they effectively block additional imports by...