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Libertarian Messaging For 2021: Part 1

by | Dec 4, 2020

Libertarian Messaging For 2021: Part 1

by | Dec 4, 2020

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This is a continuation of my pieces on the LP and what it would take for me to support them. The great Dave Smith made a Tweet yesterday in which he laid out what the libertarian message should be for 2021. Since he is confined to 280 characters by Twitter I thought I’d go through each and say how I would communicate them in a little detail. Here’s the Tweet. I’m only going to hit the first three points today.

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End the lock-downs immediately and open the economy completely

Where in the hell do politicians have the right to tell you that you can’t leave your house and open your business or go to work, and if they do have this right, how do you still believe you live in a “free country?” If they do, change that right now! This is the most tyrannical period a “free people” have ever experienced in this country and that’s not being hyperbolic. After 9/11 you were allowed to leave your houses, encouraged to engage in commerce and 3,000 people were slaughtered in one day! Open your eyes to what has been done to you and take notice of how the culture has changed around you. Fear has become the front and center spirit of the zeitgeist and you are not seeing it. If you have children who are in their formative years what do you think the lasting effects of this prison of the body and mind is having on them? Why have you allowed politicians you know deep in your heart are corrupt to destroy your finances and everything you’ve worked so hard to build?

End all foreign wars

You are being ruled by blood-soaked monsters. The majority of you believe that US troops do not belong in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. Most of you don’t even know about the continued wars/bombing in Yemen, Libya, Somalia, Chad, Niger and so many others. Is this where you want the wealth extracted from your pay to go to? Can you even find these countries on a map? Do you trust those politicians you know are corrupt to have your best interests at heart when mounting these military actions, some of which technically could be called genocides? How does it make you feel to know that while you are having your wealth decimated by government imposed lock-downs, etc., that Boeing, Northrop Grumman and other “private” companies are getting rich off of your tax dollars because they build the bombs, planes and ordinance needed to keep these so-called military actions” going? Why is the military protecting people in other countries while the enemy at home, the government who has stopped your life because of a virus, is ignored?

Audit/End the Fed

My fellow Americans, why is an unaccountable, secretive organization in charge of the money supply when your beloved Constitution says that is the job of the Congress who, if they aren’t doing their job properly, you can fire through your vote? Do you even know what the Federal Reserve does? It literally creates money out of thin air. The more money there is, the more worthless it is. If you had what you thought was a rare book, and all of a sudden a stash of 100,000 copies were found, how much is your “rare” book worth now? That is a simple example of what has happened with Federal Reserve money creation. When the 2.2 trillion dollar CARES Act was passed earlier this year (did you vote on that by the way?), do you think that money was sitting in a vault somewhere? No, that was created with key strokes on a computer. Do you think 2.2 trillion dollars being pumped into the economy will not eventually affect the value of the dollars you hold? The Federal Reserve is the enemy of your prosperity and must be first audited, so you can see the damage they’ve done, and then ended when you come to the realization that you’ve been had!

More to come on messaging for 2021.

Peter R. Quiñones

Peter R. Quiñones hosts the Free Man Beyond the Wall podcast. He released his first book, Freedom Through Memedom – The 31-day Guide to Waking Up to Liberty in November 2017. It reached #4 in the Libertarian Section on Amazon. He has spoken at Liberty Forum in Manchester, New Hampshire and is one of the Executive Producers on the documentary, “The Monopoly on Violence."

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