*warning - I do name the shooter and read / discuss the manifesto* After the mass shooting in El Paso I think its a good idea to have a discussion about motive, ideology, how everyone focuses on the wrong thing, and on how we need to look at ugly things to understand...
Jen the Libertarian
The Democratic Debate Dumpster Fire Round 2
by Jennifer Monroe | Aug 1, 2019 | Jen the Libertarian
In another installment of "I consume content so you don't have to" I did indeed watch both (!) nights of Round 2 of the democratic debates. I discuss some of what was discussed each night, my overall thoughts on the whole production, and what the DNC is doing to keep...
The Democrat Debate Dumpster Fire
by Jennifer Monroe | Jul 29, 2019 | Jen the Libertarian
*since Round 2 of the Democratic debates are upon us here are my thoughts on the first round* Here we are, discussing the first Democrat debate of the primary season. Yes it is June 2019. This is the world we live in now. So here are my thoughts after actually...
Mueller’s Congressional Snoozefest, More Immigration Tampering, The Next Dem Debates
by Jennifer Monroe | Jul 28, 2019 | Jen the Libertarian
Lots of things happened this week, none of them particularly good (except for one!) - I talk about Mueller's much hyped yet very boring congressional testimony, ICE's shiny new mandate, the asylum ban that thankfully wasn't, our safe third country agreement (?) with...
Clearing Up Some Things About Immigration and Asylum
by Jennifer Monroe | Jul 28, 2019 | Jen the Libertarian
Here is my valiant attempt to try to debunk some of the things I hear / read about immigration and the asylum process, hopefully it will be of some help to the general discourse (yeah I know I'm not holding my breath either but I tried)...
Talking The L Word with Alex Merced
by Jennifer Monroe | Jul 27, 2019 | Jen the Libertarian
I sat down with Alex Merced (vice chair of LP National among other things) about publicly identifying as a libertarian, how to get more people to do that, and being a home for the newly politically homeless You find all of Alex's various projects here...
Talking Social Media And The Socially Cancelled with Art Tavana
by Jennifer Monroe | Jul 27, 2019 | Jen the Libertarian
Art and I sit down again to discuss our somewhat opposing views on the merits of social media, Laura Loomer and Katie McHugh, and what if anything can be done to "fix" social media Link to Art's piece on Loomer - https://spectator.us/tale-laura-loomer/ Link to Rosie...
Against The Dead Consensus
by Jennifer Monroe | Jul 27, 2019 | Jen the Libertarian
So let me tell you about the origins of the French / Ahmani feud AKA the oddest political dustup in recent memory and why libertarians should care about the odd new conservatism that lead to it http://traffic.libsyn.com/jenthelibertarian/episode100.mp3