COI#68 – “America Is Back”

by | Feb 8, 2021

COI#68 – “America Is Back”

by | Feb 8, 2021


On COI #68, cohosts Will Porter and Kyle Anazlone break down Biden’s first foreign policy speech as president. Biden’s speech had little policy and most focused on slogans like “America is back” and “America is a country that does big things.”

On Russia, Biden celebrated that he was able to extend the New Start Treaty with Russia. However, the rest of his comments on Russia were misleading and aggressive. Biden’s rhetoric on China nearly match the hawkishness of his predecessor.

Biden said the US would be ending support for Saudi’s offensive operations in Yemen. While this sounds like a positive step, Biden left a big enough loophole for the entire War Against Yemen to continue. The US will be stopping the sale of some bombs to Saudi Arabia and will remove the Houthi from the Foreign Terrorist Group list. However, this is similar to the US policy in late 2016, when Biden was VP, and Yemen was still the worst crisis in the world.

The most important part of Biden’s short speech was what he left out. While leading with “diplomacy is back,” Biden failed to address the two most pressing diplomatic issues, the Iran Nuclear Deal and Taliban Peace Agreement. Biden needs to remove sanctions on Iran so the deal can be restored, but Biden now saying Iran must return first and end all enrichment. Biden’s position will likely lead to the death of the JCPOA.

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Kyle Anzalone

Kyle Anzalone

Kyle Anzalone is news editor of the Libertarian Institute, opinion editor of and co-host of Conflicts of Interest with Will Porter and Connor Freeman.

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