FPF #197 – Libyan Style

by | May 23, 2018

FPF #197 – Libyan Style

by | May 23, 2018

On FPF #197, I discuss John Bolton’s plan for North Korea to undergo Libyan style denuclearization. In December 2003 Libya quickly gave up a nuclear weapons program. In 2011, NATO, led by the US, went to war with Libya. The war was based on myths pushed by Hillary Clinton. The war ended in the brutal killing of Libyan Leader Gadaffi forces that included al-Qaeda. 
The Trump Administration has announced it will place strict sanctions on Venezuela and Iran. I explain the dangers of Trump believing his maximum pressure campaign led to North Korea’s offer to denuclearize.

Kyle Anzalone

Kyle Anzalone

Kyle Anzalone is news editor of the Libertarian Institute, opinion editor of Antiwar.com and co-host of Conflicts of Interest with Will Porter and Connor Freeman.

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