"The conditions under which modern man of the capitalist West must act are different from those under which his primitive ancestors lived and acted. As a result of the providential care of our forebears we have at our disposal an ample stock of intermediate products...
"Popular literature attributes enormous 'power' to the capitalist and considers his owning a mass of capital goods as of enormous significance, giving him a great advantage over other people in the economy. We see, however, that this is far from the case; indeed, the...
It is much worse than Shawn Ryan thinks per his reactions during the interview. Sarah Adams discusses a forecast of an attack on the US from 1:12:00 to 1:25:00. There will be far more than 1k fighters (think train the trainer) because the aQ et al planners will...
Agreed, Armchair Warlord nails the paper tiger posing as the US military. My additions: There is no Auftragstaktik in the modern western militaries despite their "embrace" of Mission Command. Carriers are the crossbow and chariot of the 21st century. A tremendous...