Rather than Indulging the Reparations Racket, Why Not Abolish Enslavement to the State?

Wednesday, September 28, 2016 Rather than Indulging the Reparations Racket, Why Not Abolish Enslavement to the State? Forty-five years have elapsed since the passing of Sylvester McGee, the last black American citizen who had been claimed by another American as property. Eighty-one years have elapsed since the death of Cudjoe Lewis, the last black American […]

The State as Accomplice: Did Idaho’s “Justice” System Shield a Serial Murderer?

Monday, August 29, 2016 The State as Accomplice: Did Idaho’s “Justice” System Shield a Serial Murderer? See an important update below. “Our investigation in the death of Angie Dodge is not over,” insists Idaho Falls Police Chief Mark McBride. “It will never be considered a closed case until after we have identified and brought all […]

The Stolen Life of Cathy Woods

Thursday, September 8, 2016 The Stolen Life of Cathy Woods Survivor: Cathy Woods, following her exoneration. Former police detective John Lawrence Kimpton had crested the biblical threescore-and-ten in 2011 when he passed away in the company of loved ones in a Reno hospital room. He should have died in the prison cell that by that […]

Mundane Lives Don’t Matter, So Don’t Try to Exercise Your Rights (UPDATED October 4)

Friday, August 5, 2016 Mundane Lives Don’t Matter, So Don’t Try to Exercise Your Rights (UPDATED October 4) See update below.  In every encounter between a police officer and a citizen, only one life matters to the former – and it isn’t the latter.  “Follow the commands of a police officer or risk dying,” snarled […]



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