
More Afghan Bounties Garbage

They admit they have no proof right in the big scary headlines: US intelligence indicates Iran paid bounties to Taliban for targeting American troops in Afghanistan Iran paid bounties for targeting US troops, intelligence reportedly suggests Since when do the Haqqanis...

Yep, That’s How It Works Alright

Most Americans believe Russia targeted U.S. soldiers, want sanctions in response, Reuters/Ipsos poll shows "I don't believe anything the government tells me. Ever." --George Carlin "Nu-uh, you're dumb. Government is our leader." --Everybody else.

War’s Lost, Come Home

A little bit of appreciation for the Russiagate kooks: Thanks for bringing Afghanistan back to the attention of the American people. That's right everyone, we're still at war in Afghanistan even though we lost it 15 years ago. 2,449 Americans have been killed so far,...



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