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News Roundup 12/23/21

News Roundup 12/23/21

US News US airstrikes have dropped about 54% since Biden took office. [Link] Military families in Hawaii believe they have been exposed to contaminated water for months longer than the Navy currently admits. [Link] The US sanctions three people in Brazil for...

Bomb Sniffing Dogs w/Bird

Bomb Sniffing Dogs w/Bird

Bird joined Bea and I on our show I Done Told You. We talk about airport employees, bomb sniffing dogs, and NYC. If you want more I Done Told You become a patron. Bird Twitter Timeline Earth 19 Skills Pdf Autonomy Course Critical Thinking Course Donate Patreon...

Trump Wanted to Bomb Natanz

Last Thursday. Anonymous NYT sources, but disappointing enough to be accurate. Says Pompeo and Miller talked him out of it. And here, he wants to designate the Houthis as terrorists to make it harder for the Democrats to end the war in Yemen. #hope #change

This is Your Security Force

“The United States government put a cyanide bomb 350ft from my house, and killed my dog and poisoned my child,” said Theresa Mansfield, Canyon’s mother. Of course they did. And do you believe that there will be any accountability whatsoever? Of course not.

House to Vote on Impeachment Today

I wonder if Donald Trump will do like Bill Clinton and start carpet-bombing Iraq today in a mission he'll name after the Nazi Erwin Rommel to distract us all and pose as a great World Leader. (Thanks a lot stupid Democrats for making me have to agree with Andrew...



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