border wall

Border Patrol Expands its “Constitution-Free Zone”

In this photo that has been widely circulated on social media, customs agents can be seen inspecting the IDs of passengers disembarking from a domestic flight from San Francisco to New York City. It is delusional to pretend that a border enforcement Regime will employ...

News Roundup 2/10/17

Trump signs three executive orders dealing with public safety. [Link] The first order creates a task force to look into crimes and police deficiencies. [Link] The second executive order directs his staff to develop new laws to protect all law enforcement from crimes....

Trump’s Wall and the Assault on Private Property

The Washington Post's article on Donald Trump's border wall does something unusual: it takes into account Trump's planned assault on property owners along the Mexican border. Note: "In Texas, almost all of the land along the border is privately owned. When former...



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