
The Weekend at Bernie’s Election

The Weekend at Bernie’s Election

It’s time for the most important election again, a rematch. The American voter will decide who will sit at the head of the world’s biggest government. A pick between two old men, each of whom have had four years as president. Donald Trump, AKA "Orange Man," has his...

News Roundup 5/3/2024

News Roundup 5/3/2024

Haiti US-Constructed Base in Haiti Won’t Be Ready for Kenyan Troops on Time The Institute  Ukraine Macron Reaffirms That Sending NATO Troops To Fight Russia in Ukraine Shouldn’t Be Ruled Out AWC As Russian Forces Advance, Ukraine Struggles to Build New Defensive Lines...

News Roundup 5/3/2024

News Roundup 5/1/2024

Russia Ukraine Attacks Crimea With US-Provided ATACMS AWC US To Buy $1.6 Billion in Ukrainian-Made Weapons for Ukraine AWC NATO Chief Says Allies Haven’t Been Delivering Arms to Ukraine Fast Enough AWC China US, Philippines Working on Intelligence Sharing Deal Amid...

News Roundup 5/3/2024

News Roundup 4/29/2024

Ukraine Ukraine Sidelines Abrams Tanks After Russian Drone Attacks – AP The Institute  Pentagon Unveils $6 Billion Arms Package for Ukraine AWC Poland, Lithuania Say They Can Help Return Military-Age Men to Ukraine AWC Ukrainians Say $61 Billion Aid Package Will...



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