
Down With Fraudulent ‘Fair’ Trade

Down With Fraudulent ‘Fair’ Trade

The Biden administration is embracing the same flawed “fair trade” mantra that previous administrations used to sanctify protectionist policies. Biden’s team has “largely dispensed with the idea of free trade as a goal in and of itself,” the New York...

That Time I Swiped the U.S. Tariff Code

That Time I Swiped the U.S. Tariff Code

"Nothing so diminishes democracy as secrecy,” as Attorney General Ramsey Clark warned in 1967. As a journalist, I have battled federal agencies for decades to try to discover the sordid details of how Americans’ rights and liberties are being shafted. Most government...

News Roundup 9/30/21

News Roundup 9/30/21

US News The NBA says players who are unable to play because of vaccination mandates will not be paid. [Link] The House NDAA includes a provision that extends the draft to women. [Link] Two Democratic Senators tell Biden to end drone strikes outside of war zones....

Medical Apartheid Is Here

Medical Apartheid Is Here

The things we were worried would happen are happening. — Angus Johnston, professor at the City University of New York Imagine it: a national classification system that not only categorizes you according to your health status but also allows the government to sort you...



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