
Why A Citizen Contract Is Better Than A Consitution

From their state most people demand – at least – protection of life, liberty and property. In exchange, they are willing to pay for it. So why not put the relationship between citizen and state on a purely contractual basis? Such a Citizen Contract would offer much...

The Secret Is Out And it Can No Longer Be Denied

“I don’t think there has been a greater engine of inequality than the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States”.   Stan Druckenmiller "Americans should increasingly question the role of the Fed and its impact on society. It’s not normal, nor should it be, that the...

What I Told the Montana State Senate

What I Told the Montana State Senate

Americans For Prosperity and Concerned Veterans of America had me out to give a talk to a committee of the Montana State Senate in Helena on Tuesday. Here is some of the audio. The first 15 minutes or so about how the corruption of the military industrial complex and...

The Right Gets It Wrong – Every Time

Go on, complain about rising gas prices. Whine about inflation. Jump up and down about transgender BS. Even if you believe Biden is calling the shots, so many people miss the point when it comes to the important issues. If you’re a normie, at this moment in time, you...



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