
What Corporatism Actually Is

"The fundamental idea both of guild socialism and of corporativism is that every branch of business forms a monopolistic body, the guild or corporazione. This entity enjoys full autonomy; it is free to settle all its internal affairs without interference of external...

Counter-Economic Strategies w/Sal

Counter-Economic Strategies w/Sal

Sal joined me to talk about the state of the economy and why everyone should be implementing Agorism to the best of their ability to hedge against corporatism, inflation, and a potential economic crash. There was a delay, but you’ll really enjoy this conversation. The...

Counter-Economic Strategies w/Sal

The Great Reset w/Michael Rectenwald

Michael Rectenwald joined me to discuss The Great Reset, what it is, how it is being implemented, how it is being implemented, and why Marxists are backing corporations in this globalization effort. Michael Rectenwal 19 Skills Pdf Autonomy Course Critical Thinking...

No Way Jose w/Jose Galison

No Way Jose w/Jose Galison

Jose Galison of No Way Jose had me on to discuss my thoughts about The Fourth Industrial Revolution. No Way Jose 19 Skills Pdf Autonomy Course Critical Thinking Course Donate



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